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Welcome to Abstergo!!! The website of one of the most innovative pharmaceutical and research companies in the world. Created in 1937, Abstergo Industries has provided customers with quality products and groundbreaking innovations for over 75 years.

Welcome to Abstergo!!!

The website of one of the most innovative pharmaceutical and research companies in the world. Created in 1937, Abstergo Industries has provided customers with quality products and groundbreaking innovations for over 75 years.

As the rest of the world has caught up to Abstergo’s limitless imagination and ambition, our stocks and international presence have flourished in the last two decades. We have offices and laboratories in every major city in the world and are set to expand even further with new projects and technologies still in development. From exploring the mysteries of outer space, to helping a sick child recover from disease (right in your own neighborhood), Abstergo Industries is there. There has never been a better time to join the Abstergo team!

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